Friday, December 30, 2005

... news for the family...
We're engaged!!
Monika, Jimmy and Eryn are getting married!
When?... don't know yet
Where? ... still not sure
But we'll let you know!!

Enjoying the beautiful day at Uncle Johnny's.

Eryn on Christmas Day - 2005

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas 2005 Fish Fry @ Johnny's house

Monday, December 26, 2005

Here's proud daddy with his little superman.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Neland Grayson Hesse and Santa

Devan and George spending some quality cousin time!

Grayson with his proud Grandma

Mando cruisin his Harley to ConCan! "Life is a highway!"

This picture is almost a year old, but I love it!

Andrew has always had a passion for animals. He has shown swine in 4H going on three years now. He is so dedicated and responsible when it comes to raising and caring for his pigs. He wakes up every morning at 6:30 and rides his bike 3 blocks to his pig pens to feed and walk them. The does the same thing every day after school.

I've never known anyone to be so intrigued by animals. Wait....Yes I do, Grandpa Juan! Thats where he gets it from!

Here's a picture of Johnny saying "YES" when John gave him a bass boat (early) for Christmas!
has been on cloud 9 ever since!

I don't know how Lisa and Chrissy can top this Christmas gift!

To everyone who recieved a Christmas card from us, this was the reality of what our photo shoot was really like!
The pictures you all got in the Christmas card, all lies!
But no matter how the kids act up, we still love 'em!
Merry Christmas everyone from the REAL Andrew and Sara!

Crissy wants to introduce everyone to the love of her life, Tim Pittmon.
Tim and I are moving back to Uvalde, hope to see you all soon!

Ace with Grandpa Juan and Grandma Irma on his last visit from Iraq.

Lets all keep him in our prayers.

We love you Ace!

John taking a brake on his Harley!

Sara possing with her new pink glasses! She was so excited to get them. We bought a special case and purse for her to carry them in.

Eryn in her jammies on our way to Uvalde on Christmas Eve Eve.

The handsome Marciel Boys!

Myra & her #1 hubby Robert.

Xavier's musical appearance in Austin, TX! He played trumpet for his wild fans at Austin City Limits and Stubbs BBQ.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Gene and Johnny showing off some of the fish they cought on one of their many fishing trips!

They have become quite the fishermen!

Beautiful! Rosie and Yesennia looking good!

Grandpa Juan, Grandma Irma, Johnny, Mando, Dianna and Albert pose for a picture on Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Thanksgiving at The Ranchito with Grampy Juan and Grammy Irma Caballero.
Thanks to Devan for organizing a great "Cowboy" themed get-together, the family celebrated with food, games, target shooting, and lots of laughter!

Musical chairs has never been this fun! Enjoying family, friends and lots of laughter at the Caballero Thanksgiving celebration.

Who's that precious baby boy with the beautiful eyes? It's Grayson!! And proud mommy, Rachel!

Gramma Irma with Jordyn Paige and Grampy Juan shooting a lechusa... with a CALAVINA! (eyewitnesses Krissy and Gene)

Hanging with the guys... John, George and Baby Grayson!

Happy Thanksgiving! Here... Tia Irma, Rosie, Katie, Yesennia, Monika & Jimmy all enjoying the evening at the Ranchito.

Jordyn Paige Martinez
2 years old
posted by Heather

Jordyn Paige Martinez at her 2nd Birthday Party!

Monday, December 19, 2005

The Marciel Boys! Robert and Myra's pride and joy ...
Xavier - 13 year old
Zachary - 8 years old
Caleb - 6 year old
Ezekiel - 3 years old

aaawww... the cousins!
And who's that??? 2 rare celebrity sightings...
Ace and Erica!

The family celebrated his retirement from SBC in October. Here, Johnny with his 3 kids... John, Lisa, Krissy; 2 Grandkids... Sara Michelle and Michael Andrew; and gorgeous wife and hostess, Gloria.
Along with a little sneaky, Eryn Daniella, who joined in for the photo op.

As Eryn would say, Three little cousits (cousins) at her 4th Birthday party in May.